Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2 x 50 = 100

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 13, 2013                                   
CONTACT:  Bill Husted, (954) 980-8300

50-YEAR MEMBERS – P/R/C Bill Eldridge, Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron, and Lt. Vince Whalen, St. Lucie River Power Squadron, (foreground holding flags), each with 50 years of membership in United States Power Squadrons, celebrate at a joint luncheon at the Prawnbroker in Sewall’s Point.  Combining their years of service matches next year’s 100th anniversary of their parent organization, United States Power Squadrons, the nation’s largest private boating educational service.  Pictured behind the esteemed members are their respective squadron commanders, Cdr. Darryl Aubrey and Cdr. John Goebel.
                                (Photo by Lt/C Bill Gelpke)


Nearly a decade after Facebook launched, it’s become a juggernaut with more than a billion registered users—and the field continues to grow more crowded as other social media channels burst onto the scene. There’s little doubt that social media can and should be a powerful part of your communications mix, but what should be using it for? Outreach and engagement? Event management? Advocacy? How about fundraising? For many nonprofits, it’s far more obvious that such tools can be useful than how to use them. 

For the full story go to

Spread the Word About Your Cause!

Spread the Word About Your Cause!
A cat sings into two microphones
Image: oceanyamaha
Nonprofits are raising millions of dollars and inspiring individuals to support causes — by meeting them "anytime, everywhere." NTEN's CEO, Amy Sample Ward, shows how to tap the Internet, social media, and mobile tech to raise money for your organization. Learn Amy's secrets to success on Wednesday, November 13. Register by November 8 and get the early-bird price! This is a special interactive online event brought to you by TechSoup and CausePlanet.
  • Bold and beautiful charity websites are slimming down the text and accentuating the images. Here are themust-have designs your organization's website is dying to try on.
  • One of the easiest ways to engage your community, attract new supporters, and show your personality is by adding a blog.
  • Tumblr and Medium are easy ways to share all the innovative and awesome things your organization is doing with new audiences.

Twitter To DO

Thursday, October 31, 2013

What are QR Codes and Visual QR Codes

Here’s some useful information about one of the most popular ways to transfer information from the physical world to the digital world on the market today:
The first generation of QR Codes appears as a two-dimensional barcode that manifests as a square consisting of black and white dots. Like all barcodes, the QR Code is essentially a code that contains information and when scanned by an appropriate QR Code scanner that is available for all Smartphones, they redirect the scanner to a certain destination, providing their creators with a wide range of possibilities for their use. Although most QR Codes are used to redirect their scanners to a set destination such as a URL, a Google map location, a YouTube video or a Facebook profile page, they can also be used for many other functions such as transmitting vCards, calling via Skype and sharing statuses via social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
- See more at:

Costs - Check out

The CRSPS News

Monday, October 28, 2013

Social Media for Social Good

  • September 18 · 6:30 PM
  • UNC-TV
Join us as we dive deep into Social Media. We'll look at social media best practices, techniques to build community, and overall engagement strategies using Twitter, Facebook, and mobile apps.
For more see the link..........

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Social Media Spread

I was looking around the Holland America website and came across the following which clearly emphasis the direction many are taking to get with the social media craze....

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quick Read (QR) Code for D8

 I had to do it..........

This is how I did it.............

QR code - What is it

QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is an optically machine-readable label that is attached to an item and that records information related to that item. The information encoded by a QR code may be made up of four standardized types ("modes") of data (numeric, alphanumeric, byte / binary, Kanji) or, through supported extensions, virtually any type of data.[1]

How to Create a QR Code in 4 Quick Steps


AT&T Mobile Barcode Services

AT&T Mobile Barcode Services offers a complete solution for quick response (QR) and UPC code management. Design and publish your own mobile codes, link them to engaging websites to drive traffic, and measure consumer responses in near real-time. Whether you're an experienced digital marketing agency or a business testing the mobile marketing waters, AT&T offers world-class tools and expert assistance every step of the way.

Advertising and Marketing

Create QR codes that link to information about your organization, products, services, and special events and offers.
  • Drive clients to vibrant and engaging content like videos, offers, sweepstakes and mobile Web content.
  • Track calls to action that result from the QR code link, to monitor and measure the success of each campaign.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Go to Meetings

Friends,I was reading an article in USA Today (Sept3, 2013) and stumbled across an ad that talked about "Meeting is Believing . It looks like something that may be useful and we can try it FREE. Its a simple way to meet face to face online in high definition video.

Wiki Definition ( is a web-hosted service created and marketed by the Online Services division of Citrix Systems. It is an online meetingdesktop sharing, and video conferencing software that enables the user to meet with other computer users, customers, clients or colleagues via the Internet in real time.

Website: 30 day FREE trial.

Promotion codes -

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide

Source link

UPDATED for 2013...
Nearly a decade after Facebook launched, it’s become a juggernaut with more than a billion registered users—and the field continues to grow more crowded as other social media channels burst onto the scene. There’s little doubt that social media can and should be a powerful part of your communications mix, but what should be using it for? Outreach and engagement? Event management? Advocacy? How about fundraising? For many nonprofits, it’s far more obvious that such tools can be useful than how to use them. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Social Media 101

Source Link:

Welcome to TechSoup's Nonprofit Social Media Page for Beginners

The number of social networking sites and tools continues to grow, along with the sites to help you navigate and stay current. We know getting started can be overwhelming!

This site is designed to be a starting place for those you just getting your feet wet, with curated resources, tips, and learnings from the leaders in nonprofit social media.

Click on the link for more information.

Monday, September 9, 2013

D8 Business cards

Add caption

Life Raft Demonstation Party D8 -100 Year Event

Life Raft Deployment Demonstration District 8
Author: Lt/C (P/C) R. Scully, N - D8 Public Relations Officer
Editor: Captain Alyse Caldwell, AP 

A life raft demonstration party was held yesterday on the Treasure Coast of Florida. Most people who have been around boats for a long time are happy to say they have never had the need to deploy a life raft into the water. Let’s hope they never do!
This party was a practical demonstration of a potential reality in what could be a hazardous situation. The 3 donated life rafts had expired and their age made them ineligible against recertification so they were no longer acceptable aboard any vessel. Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell, members of USPS District 8, coordinated this event.
There were more than 50 joining us for this demo party with 8 members playing paparazzi, snapping pictures and shooting videos during the event, so there will be some material available for viewing posted on the web on Facebook, YouTube and in some of the local newsletters. Captain Alyse will be making a more professional video but that will take some time and will include footage from every angle.
This demonstration included a short how-to get in a Gumby suit, AKA an immersion or survival suit. After donning the bright orange Gumby suit, the demonstrator jumped into the water so we could see how the suit helps you float. Pretty cool!
The life raft party included inflating and setting 3 rafts afloat at different times. Two of the expired life rafts were deployed and served well. One did not inflate completely as it had ruptured a bladder. It still floated to some degree but it gave one time to think about what if this happened when it was a real situation out at sea.
Three lucky kids and 6 adults had a terrific hands-on experience. The adults proved that this is an easy task especially when you’ve never seen or done this before. Safety first! We had a rescue diver in the water at all times and a rescue boat was on scene but neither was called to action.
Captain Chris jumped on one life raft and rocked the raft up and down with 6 “survivors” aboard to demonstrate how stable they were in rough seas and then took out the survival kit that was inside the raft. He explained what was in the bag and displayed the items for all to see. Some wanted to light the expired flares but that’s not something we do unless the US Coast Guard has approved that type of demonstration and announcements are made over the VHF marine radio.
After a hot morning in the sun we cooled off over lunch at the Cove restaurant at Harbortown Marina. Here many talked about what they learned over a nice meal along the waters edge with friends.     
            Thank you all for this fine demonstration. Keep it up District 8. Boating is fun and this educational practical demonstration of life raft deployment on the water was a great way to spend a few hours.

A short Youtube Video

The Audience and camera lady Capt Alyse Caldwell

Captain Chris expalining the process

It deployed!

POst Card ordered thru VistaPrints

"Vistaprint" <>

Friday, July 12, 2013

Public Relations and D8 - JULY 2013

As D8 PRO my responsibility includes organizing and coordinating PR activities that involve several squadrons in an event. Examples are boat shows, which draw potential members from several squadron areas, and other activities that attract the public from large territories. Recently we had 2 squadrons support the Safe Boating Week Open House at the Ft Pierce Coast Guard Station. Thank you Vero Beach Power Squadron and Port St Lucie Power Squadron.
The next opportunity for us to all work together is coming up soon. All are requested to support the Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show (Oct 31-Nov 4) being coordinated by D/Lt Ronnie Babin, S. District 8 Public Relations folks should get with their Education Officers and define courses being offered with the correct contacts. You may also want to look at your respective web sites and ensure they are updated with the correct data about upcoming classes.
The DPRO conducts meetings, workshops and instructional seminars for SPROs to communicate these ideas and information. So lets talk about social media. The D8 Conference PRO pitch will be about “Social Media – What is it.’’
Social Media is a term used to define the numerous avenues one can venture down to put the word out to help publicize your squadron/s. A good definition is available on wikipedia. This media includes Facebook, youtube, twitter, linkedin, blogs and more. USPS is actively engaged and participating using some of this FREE advertising and so is District 8. see the following links:
And don’t forget PROLOG, which has an upgraded version for 2013 and contains everything you need to know about Public Relations and Marketing.
            Sailangle is still with us but we are not getting on board fast enough. Can’t tell you why but it is a fact. There are only 5 members of the D8 100 Year Anniversary Group. Commanders please ask your squadron public relations contacts to get on board.
            Facebook connections – 7 out of 14 D8 Squadrons have a facebook pages. If you want one I will be happy to set it up for those who ask. Once you are on line you will need to manage the account.

D/Lt (P/C) Robert Scully, N
USPS District 8 PRO
772-252-9740 Home
772-453-4966 Cell

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Coast Guard Boating Safety Website

Al, you need to know is in the PRO LOG go to

D8 Peice of Eight Input

Tentative Planning Dates for Piece of Eights Newsletter Inputs

D8 Summer Rendezvous    July 12, 13 & 14                POE Input  July 21, 2013
D8 Fall Conference             Sep 27,28 & 29*                POE Input  Oct 4, 2013*
USPS Annual Meeting        Jan 29 - Feb 2, 2014         POE Input   Feb 09, 2014

Consider sending in stories to you about Safe Boating Week, 100 Year Anniversary, "squadrons in the news" and "What Happens at A Boat Show!". 

*Revised date

Friday, May 10, 2013

D8 Pub (Pieces of Eight) 2013

If possible please add this to the next D8 pub (Pieces of Eight) 2013, and add me to your dist list so I will know ahead of time about drop-dead dates for article submission. My plan is to have some input in every publication. If you already have the dates let me know so I can lay out my plan.  Thanks 
Bob Scully, D8 PRO 

Thanks to those who attended the PRO pitch at the District Conference held recently. If you missed it you may go to and see some of what was presented. Just to remind all the squadron pros we are using PRO LOG for guidance and ideas and social media (SailAngle, facebook, blogs - ) and emails to spread the word. 

I trust all all of you know that we are in the 100 Year Anniversary mode and all of us are public relation communicators. Help promote and sell USPS, your district and tell your friends and neighbors about all the benefits you get as a member of this fine organization. You may find all the Member Benefits at USPS and also on the new facebook page

Those who do not have a facebook page /group (District 8 only) contact me and I will set it up for you. If you want one just ask me. You must manage it when it’s up and running. For those who have not signed up on SailAngle ...please do.  

Here is how you get there. Go to . Look at the screen. Click on these and you will get to the respective location.

When communication with me please include in the subject title "D8PR". This will help me help you faster.
Lt/C (P/C) Robert G. Scully, N

Monday, April 29, 2013

What is a District PRO

Job Description PRO  - USPS OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 4-7 2013

4.24 The district public relations officer (DPRO) is the chair of the district public relations committee and is appointed by the district commander. His committee is comprised of squadron PR officers, one from each of the squadrons within the district. The DPRO reports directly to the district executive officer. The DPRO is the liaison between the national public relations committee and squadron PROs. He is responsible for organizing and coordinating PR activities that involve several squadrons in an event. Examples are boat shows, which draw potential members from several squadron areas, and other activities that attract the public from large territories.

The DPRO is responsible for ensuring that SPROs seek maximum local publicity for boating courses offered by their squadrons, as well as other newsworthy squadron activities. Using the PROLog as a foundation, the DPRO provides information about tools, ideas and procedures that the SPROs use in their jobs. To this end, the DPRO conducts meetings, workshops and instructional seminars for SPROs to communicate these ideas and information.

The DPRO is responsible for administering the Cooperative Advertising Program in the district. For complete details on this program, refer to 3.24 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Thanks 4 attending

Public Relations talk at the D8 Conference, Boca Raton Marriott April 2013

Thanks for participating in the brief talk on Public Relations yesterday. I look forward to serving you in the coming year. Please don't hesitate to all me or send me an email if I may be of service.

As I mentioned I will be sending out an email to all of the PROs in District 8 based on the new D8 Roster. I will include all who attended the talk as well.

I have included a few photos of the material presented and plan to summarize minutes, then post them to SailAngle.

In the coming year I will be using SailAngle, this blog as well as our D8 Facebook page to communicate with you, relative to D8 Public Relations. And yes I will also use email and the phone to contact some of you on occasions.

As we all know there is also a lot going on with the 100 Year Anniversary of the USPS. There is a USPS Blog and lots of 100 Year gear available at the USPS Ships Store. Think about giving items from the store to your friends during the year as gifts. And if you think ahead you may want to get your holiday gift orders in early.

Lt/C (P/C) Robert G. Scully, N

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New website

Monday, March 18, 2013

Alfie .. whats it all alll about

A good social media campaign or engagement strategy can help your organization fulfill its mission. There are many examples of nonprofits using these tools successfully for everything from fundraising and volunteer recruitment to building awareness on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. But there are also examples of organizations that have encountered pitfalls along the way to an effective social media presence.

More on the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The surprise

I told you there was will need to wait for the D8 Conference. There is a PR meeting on Saturday at 9. Its really cool! Trust me!

Clue 1 ! Inserts! 

Clue 2! Trains, Planes and Automobiles.

Clue 3! Stuffing!

Clue 4! Birthdays!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

TC PALM - We Sponsor the Treasure Coast

Intro | Criteria for Support | Sponsorship Request Form | How to Get Exposure

The Treasure Coast is rich with community service organizations and special events, and Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers is proud to have supported many of them. Each year, Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers (STCN) receives hundreds of requests for community ads and sponsorships. Each request is carefully considered and based on certain criteria (criteria and guidelines outlined below) and available resources, we attempt to honor as many as possible.

Contact us for more information or submission problems

Laura Lucas

Marketing Manager, St Lucie and Indian River Counties
772-409-1309 or email

Inez Frid

Marketing Manager, St Lucie West, Martin and North Palm Beach Counties
772-221-4105 or email

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Florida Keys <>

Dear __________,

I would like you to consider the following for your website. Under " Things to do"  then "Boating and On The Water" you may want to include the following catagory - "Safe Boating Education".

In the area there is something called  District 8 of the United States Power Squadrons. Here is the web site

Inside District 8 is Keywest at and Marathon at

They teach boating classes and have a large group of folks who know the waters in that area. They would be a good contact for those who are new to the area.

Consider that "Boating is Fun and they will show you how!