Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2 x 50 = 100

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 13, 2013                                   
CONTACT:  Bill Husted, (954) 980-8300

50-YEAR MEMBERS – P/R/C Bill Eldridge, Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron, and Lt. Vince Whalen, St. Lucie River Power Squadron, (foreground holding flags), each with 50 years of membership in United States Power Squadrons, celebrate at a joint luncheon at the Prawnbroker in Sewall’s Point.  Combining their years of service matches next year’s 100th anniversary of their parent organization, United States Power Squadrons, the nation’s largest private boating educational service.  Pictured behind the esteemed members are their respective squadron commanders, Cdr. Darryl Aubrey and Cdr. John Goebel.
                                (Photo by Lt/C Bill Gelpke)

1 comment:

  1. Dear P/R/C Husted,

    Thank you for the information and photo. We will try to use them in an upcoming issue of The Ensign.

    Kind regards,

    Tina Tibbitts
    Assistant Editor
    United States Power Squadrons
    888-367-8777, ext. 241
    Description: Description: 100th Anniversary Color Logo
    Description: twitterDescription: facebookDescription: youtube
