Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 to all

Quick Response Code D8 This QR code is an idea that came about from the last district mtg. I hope it goes over with you all and we start adding it to the various publications we distribute to our members and the public. I would like to have it added to the D8 Roster at the next publication along with the website  on the front or back cover, whatever works. Thanks you Lt/C Walter Sepalla III, P for following this to completion. 
Safe Boating Week - D8 Squadrons Bridge Walk - Something we have not done yet but I have high hopes for this year given it our 75th Year Anniversary and USPS 100 Year.

Life Raft Demonstration Party - We did one last year that I pegged as a D8 happening. Check out the video.

This exercise will require donations of Expired Life Rafts. If anyone knows of someone who has a few available call me and i will arrange to get them picked up.

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