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Safe Boating
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

D/8 PRO Update....

Sent By:
William E. Husted  On:Oct 10/29/12 8:55 PM
To:John T "Jack" Doyle"Diana Jackson" <>"Mary Dodd" <>
Cc:scullybg Scully"Phil Bouckaert" <>"Ron Friedman" <>

Folks –
   I have asked current Vero Beach commander, Bob Scully, to serve as Assistant D/PRO for the balance of the 2012-13 term with the understanding that he will accept, if approved, the appointment of D/PRO for 2013 and beyond.  He has agreed to this proposition which is an excellent transition as a result of his District role in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of USPS.  I have held the D/PRO position since 2008 and have increasing responsibilities at National with the Government and Partner Relations Committee as co-chair of the USPS-USCGAUX Implementation Plan. 
   I hope all are in agreement with this recommendation and I ask you to both welcome Bob and include him on all emailings pertaining to D/8 public relations.
I’m looking forward to a revitalized District commitment toward PR in the years ahead, Bill

P/R/C William E. Husted, SN
D/8 Public Relations Officer

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