Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

D8 PRO Pointers for 2012 and Beyond

Bob –
   Thanks for serving on the D/8 public relations team as Assistant PRO and for considering to serve as the District’s Public Relations Officer for 2013-14.  As you’re undoubtedly aware, these are usually 3-year terms.  I know you’re familiar with what we do in PR, but I wanted to suggest a few additional pointers.  In the Operations Manual on the USPS website, you’ll find the D/PRO duties under section 4.24.  Please disregard the Co-Op Advertising reference as that is on hold indefinitely.  You know I always stress adherence to PRO-LOG, our public relations bible, so encourage Squadron PROs to refer to it often. 
   Attached is an elist for squadron PROs and others to whom I send information and updates.  The list includes all squadron PROs compiled from the District directory when it becomes available.  If there is no squadron PRO, I’ll include the Executive Officer and Commander.  It’s recommended you have listed at least two individuals from each squadron.
   When you are asked to host a PR seminar, I have agendas from prior years to serve as outlines.  Your role as D/PRO will be a perfect one combined with your District responsibilities promoting our involvement in the 100th anniversary of USPS.  In addition to forwarding emails from National’s Marketing and Public Relations Committee, you will be asked to provide guidance to squadron PROs and send out releases pertaining to District-wide events and activities, such as the election of a new District Bridge or District involvement in National Safe Boating Week or the Brunswick project.  With your knowledge of social media, you’ll be able to add a much-needed dimension to our PR capabilities.
   You may have noticed in many of my PR meetings, I’ll add updates from Homeland Security and Liaison.  I remain National’s HS team leader on GPRCom and believe those activities need a promotional pitch to the district.  At the squadron level, in the absence of a HS officer, the Liaison officer will assume those duties.  I’m sure you already know Phil Bouckaert (D/HS/O) and Ron Friedman (D/L/O). 
   Being D/PRO should be a terrific assignment for you and I’m most pleased you’ve accepted.  I’m not going anywhere so will always be available for advice and counsel.
Please let me know if you have any immediate questions, Bill

P/R/C William E. Husted, SN
D/8 Public Relations Officer

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