Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Monday, April 29, 2013

What is a District PRO

Job Description PRO  - USPS OPERATIONS MANUAL Page 4-7 2013

4.24 The district public relations officer (DPRO) is the chair of the district public relations committee and is appointed by the district commander. His committee is comprised of squadron PR officers, one from each of the squadrons within the district. The DPRO reports directly to the district executive officer. The DPRO is the liaison between the national public relations committee and squadron PROs. He is responsible for organizing and coordinating PR activities that involve several squadrons in an event. Examples are boat shows, which draw potential members from several squadron areas, and other activities that attract the public from large territories.

The DPRO is responsible for ensuring that SPROs seek maximum local publicity for boating courses offered by their squadrons, as well as other newsworthy squadron activities. Using the PROLog as a foundation, the DPRO provides information about tools, ideas and procedures that the SPROs use in their jobs. To this end, the DPRO conducts meetings, workshops and instructional seminars for SPROs to communicate these ideas and information.

The DPRO is responsible for administering the Cooperative Advertising Program in the district. For complete details on this program, refer to 3.24 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Thanks 4 attending

Public Relations talk at the D8 Conference, Boca Raton Marriott April 2013

Thanks for participating in the brief talk on Public Relations yesterday. I look forward to serving you in the coming year. Please don't hesitate to all me or send me an email if I may be of service.

As I mentioned I will be sending out an email to all of the PROs in District 8 based on the new D8 Roster. I will include all who attended the talk as well.

I have included a few photos of the material presented and plan to summarize minutes, then post them to SailAngle.

In the coming year I will be using SailAngle, this blog as well as our D8 Facebook page to communicate with you, relative to D8 Public Relations. And yes I will also use email and the phone to contact some of you on occasions.

As we all know there is also a lot going on with the 100 Year Anniversary of the USPS. There is a USPS Blog and lots of 100 Year gear available at the USPS Ships Store. Think about giving items from the store to your friends during the year as gifts. And if you think ahead you may want to get your holiday gift orders in early.

Lt/C (P/C) Robert G. Scully, N