Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Southern Boating Executive Editor

Southern Boating
Executive Editor
Liz Pasch

Dear Ms Liz Pasch,

District 8 is part of United States Power Squadrons (USPS).  We handle boating education on the Florida’s Southeastern coast from Sebastian to Key West. For classes available please see the specific websites at

I would like to share a few things about the USPS which I think are worth considering for your magazine. We are non-profit and have between 35,000 and 40,000members. More at

There is a National Meeting in Jacksonville in Sunday, January 13, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront Jacksonville, FL. Last year there were over 800 members that showed up for this week-long extravaganza. You may want to send a photographer and writer to see what we are all about.

 USPS will be 100 Years Old in Feb. 2014. This big event could contain many newsworthy articles for your publication.

Please feel free to contact me at 772-252-9740 or by email with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards.
Bob Scully
Asst Public Relations Officer
USPS District 8


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