Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

District 8 Boating Education
Sent By:
scullybg Scully  On:Nov 11/11/12 8:57 AM
Cc:William E. HustedDiana JacksonJohn T "Jack" Doyle
Dear Christina,
Please consider the following for inclusion in "The Florida Mariner". I have included 3 pictures that I took during the OWT in Vero Beach. Possible titles could be District 8 OWT, On the water with District 8,  Florida East Coast Boating Education...
Bob Scully
Assistant Public Relations Officer

United States Power Squadrons District 8 

Florida East Coast District 8

Florida East Coast District 8 United States Power Squadrons

The United States Power Squadrons teach safe boating classes to the public at various locations around the US. One of the main goals of USPS is “boating safety through education” - we believe that an educated boater is a safer boater. In addition to its public education program, USPS teaches a series of outstanding courses that cover advanced seamanship, navigational techniques, boat handling, boat maintenance, and they have a series of 2 hour seminars ( available as, well!
There are 33 districts with numerous squadrons in the United States. For details go to the USPS website
There are 14 squadrons in Florida in District 8 ( The district covers the Florida East Coast from Sebastian to Key West.
Each squadron has a website that identifies when and where courses are offered. By clicking on squadrons posted ( left side of screen) a list of courses will appear. If there are no classes shown please contact the education officer shown under “Bridge Officers” (right of the screen).
The latest rapidly growing program deals with “On the Water Training (OWT)”. What this means is that you now are able to get in a vessel on the water and learn with hands on. That’s right you actually will be behind the wheel (at the helm) of a real boat. I have taken the class and it’s a real thrill. Keep in mind this is new and many squadrons are still working out details on how they will implement this program.
Boating Is fun. We will show you how!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blimp Advertising in your neighborhood

Try it. It may be the way to get out the word.

Boating Education with the Vero Beach Power Squadron

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Southern Boating Executive Editor

Southern Boating
Executive Editor
Liz Pasch

Dear Ms Liz Pasch,

District 8 is part of United States Power Squadrons (USPS).  We handle boating education on the Florida’s Southeastern coast from Sebastian to Key West. For classes available please see the specific websites at

I would like to share a few things about the USPS which I think are worth considering for your magazine. We are non-profit and have between 35,000 and 40,000members. More at

There is a National Meeting in Jacksonville in Sunday, January 13, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront Jacksonville, FL. Last year there were over 800 members that showed up for this week-long extravaganza. You may want to send a photographer and writer to see what we are all about.

 USPS will be 100 Years Old in Feb. 2014. This big event could contain many newsworthy articles for your publication.

Please feel free to contact me at 772-252-9740 or by email with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards.
Bob Scully
Asst Public Relations Officer
USPS District 8


AAA Going Places

AAA Going Places,

I would like to share a few more things about the United States Power Squadrons (USPS) which I think are worth considering for your magazine. We are non-profit. We are the biggest boating organization in the US and we teach numerous boating classes to the public and promote safe boating practices all the time. USPS will be 100 Years Old in Feb. 2014.

There is a National Meeting in Jacksonville in Sunday, January 13, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront Jacksonville, FL. Last year there were over 800 members that showed up for this weeklong extravaganza. For details 

We, at District 8, cover the Florida Coast from Sebastian to Key West.  You can visit the various websites to find out what classes, seminars as well as meetings and more, are coming up.  

Please feel free to contact me at 772-252-9740 or by email with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bob Scully
Asst. Public Relations Officer
USPS District 8