Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Public Relations Office Fall Conference Report 2014

                                                                                                September 19, 2014
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To:       D/Lt/C Jonathan D. Bensman, AP          

From:  D/Lt (P/C) Robert Scully, N
           USPS District 8
           Public Relations Committee Chair

CC:     District 8 Cdr. Mary Dodd, SN
            D/Lt/C Evelyn Northrop, AP

Subject: Public Relations Office Fall Conference Report 2014

This report is being provided by the chairman of the public relations committee. The following items as defined by the job description were accomplished. A few summary details follow.

  • Promoted and supported the efforts of the district committee
  • Coordinate entries into USPS National contests relating to PR activities
  • Became more familiar with the PRO-LOG manual
  • Prepared article(s) for publication in the district newsletter.
  • Prepared a written report at the end of the watch year

The support process included working with other members of the D8 Bridge planning on the 75-year Anniversary celebration. Requested by email, that all Public Relations Officers  and Commanders bring proclamations, video equipment, the history video, the latest burgee, the newsletter and the roster to share with others during the conference and as many members as they could to make this the biggest event ever. 

Submitted the winning entry from D8 to National for final judging in the Notebook Contest.    

Continued to post approved items to D8 Facebook and emphasized the use of PROLOG and Keeping Up.

Encouraged the use of the D8 SailAngle Public Relations group unsuccessfully.

Updated and added various items of importance to the PRO Blog which can be found at

Put together a promotional summary 75 Year power point pitch.

Compiled photos into the Vero Beach Power Squadron history video with the VBPS PR, Sue Hamel, for the Fall Conference.

Promoted the start up of a District 8 Environmental Committee.

Attended a First Timers BBQ put on by SLRPS supporting squadron camaraderie inside D8.


  1. Squadrons gather members together during National Safe Boating Week and walk a bridge in their respective area with the 75 Year District 8 Burgee and their respective squadron burgee during the cooler part of the day.

  1. Hold a squadron open house at the local library. This would include organizing a FREE presentation about USPS, the world of boating and Safe Boating Week.

  1. Proposed a D8 equipment demonstration event to include - life raft deployment, CO2 cartridge life jacket inflation and flare launching. The following link is a sample of a prior event

Respectfully submitted,
D/Lt (P/C) Robert Scully, N
USPS District 8 PRO Chair

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