Safe Boating

Safe Boating
Boating is fun ! We will show you how!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Go to Meetings

Friends,I was reading an article in USA Today (Sept3, 2013) and stumbled across an ad that talked about "Meeting is Believing . It looks like something that may be useful and we can try it FREE. Its a simple way to meet face to face online in high definition video.

Wiki Definition ( is a web-hosted service created and marketed by the Online Services division of Citrix Systems. It is an online meetingdesktop sharing, and video conferencing software that enables the user to meet with other computer users, customers, clients or colleagues via the Internet in real time.

Website: 30 day FREE trial.

Promotion codes -

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide

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UPDATED for 2013...
Nearly a decade after Facebook launched, it’s become a juggernaut with more than a billion registered users—and the field continues to grow more crowded as other social media channels burst onto the scene. There’s little doubt that social media can and should be a powerful part of your communications mix, but what should be using it for? Outreach and engagement? Event management? Advocacy? How about fundraising? For many nonprofits, it’s far more obvious that such tools can be useful than how to use them. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Social Media 101

Source Link:

Welcome to TechSoup's Nonprofit Social Media Page for Beginners

The number of social networking sites and tools continues to grow, along with the sites to help you navigate and stay current. We know getting started can be overwhelming!

This site is designed to be a starting place for those you just getting your feet wet, with curated resources, tips, and learnings from the leaders in nonprofit social media.

Click on the link for more information.

Monday, September 9, 2013

D8 Business cards

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Life Raft Demonstation Party D8 -100 Year Event

Life Raft Deployment Demonstration District 8
Author: Lt/C (P/C) R. Scully, N - D8 Public Relations Officer
Editor: Captain Alyse Caldwell, AP 

A life raft demonstration party was held yesterday on the Treasure Coast of Florida. Most people who have been around boats for a long time are happy to say they have never had the need to deploy a life raft into the water. Let’s hope they never do!
This party was a practical demonstration of a potential reality in what could be a hazardous situation. The 3 donated life rafts had expired and their age made them ineligible against recertification so they were no longer acceptable aboard any vessel. Captains Chris and Alyse Caldwell, members of USPS District 8, coordinated this event.
There were more than 50 joining us for this demo party with 8 members playing paparazzi, snapping pictures and shooting videos during the event, so there will be some material available for viewing posted on the web on Facebook, YouTube and in some of the local newsletters. Captain Alyse will be making a more professional video but that will take some time and will include footage from every angle.
This demonstration included a short how-to get in a Gumby suit, AKA an immersion or survival suit. After donning the bright orange Gumby suit, the demonstrator jumped into the water so we could see how the suit helps you float. Pretty cool!
The life raft party included inflating and setting 3 rafts afloat at different times. Two of the expired life rafts were deployed and served well. One did not inflate completely as it had ruptured a bladder. It still floated to some degree but it gave one time to think about what if this happened when it was a real situation out at sea.
Three lucky kids and 6 adults had a terrific hands-on experience. The adults proved that this is an easy task especially when you’ve never seen or done this before. Safety first! We had a rescue diver in the water at all times and a rescue boat was on scene but neither was called to action.
Captain Chris jumped on one life raft and rocked the raft up and down with 6 “survivors” aboard to demonstrate how stable they were in rough seas and then took out the survival kit that was inside the raft. He explained what was in the bag and displayed the items for all to see. Some wanted to light the expired flares but that’s not something we do unless the US Coast Guard has approved that type of demonstration and announcements are made over the VHF marine radio.
After a hot morning in the sun we cooled off over lunch at the Cove restaurant at Harbortown Marina. Here many talked about what they learned over a nice meal along the waters edge with friends.     
            Thank you all for this fine demonstration. Keep it up District 8. Boating is fun and this educational practical demonstration of life raft deployment on the water was a great way to spend a few hours.

A short Youtube Video

The Audience and camera lady Capt Alyse Caldwell

Captain Chris expalining the process

It deployed!

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