Safe Boating

Safe Boating
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Friday, July 12, 2013

Public Relations and D8 - JULY 2013

As D8 PRO my responsibility includes organizing and coordinating PR activities that involve several squadrons in an event. Examples are boat shows, which draw potential members from several squadron areas, and other activities that attract the public from large territories. Recently we had 2 squadrons support the Safe Boating Week Open House at the Ft Pierce Coast Guard Station. Thank you Vero Beach Power Squadron and Port St Lucie Power Squadron.
The next opportunity for us to all work together is coming up soon. All are requested to support the Ft Lauderdale International Boat Show (Oct 31-Nov 4) being coordinated by D/Lt Ronnie Babin, S. District 8 Public Relations folks should get with their Education Officers and define courses being offered with the correct contacts. You may also want to look at your respective web sites and ensure they are updated with the correct data about upcoming classes.
The DPRO conducts meetings, workshops and instructional seminars for SPROs to communicate these ideas and information. So lets talk about social media. The D8 Conference PRO pitch will be about “Social Media – What is it.’’
Social Media is a term used to define the numerous avenues one can venture down to put the word out to help publicize your squadron/s. A good definition is available on wikipedia. This media includes Facebook, youtube, twitter, linkedin, blogs and more. USPS is actively engaged and participating using some of this FREE advertising and so is District 8. see the following links:
And don’t forget PROLOG, which has an upgraded version for 2013 and contains everything you need to know about Public Relations and Marketing.
            Sailangle is still with us but we are not getting on board fast enough. Can’t tell you why but it is a fact. There are only 5 members of the D8 100 Year Anniversary Group. Commanders please ask your squadron public relations contacts to get on board.
            Facebook connections – 7 out of 14 D8 Squadrons have a facebook pages. If you want one I will be happy to set it up for those who ask. Once you are on line you will need to manage the account.

D/Lt (P/C) Robert Scully, N
USPS District 8 PRO
772-252-9740 Home
772-453-4966 Cell